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Loft hallway cabinets Design furniture at fair prices for 25 years

Loft hallway cabinets are especially suitable for narrow hallways. The cabinet measures only 49 cm in depth, instead of 68 cm for many other cabinets. With different modules, the hallway cabinet can be used, for example, as a shoe cabinet or equipped with a pull-out clothes rail, which runs opposite to the wall and thus comes to you. Thus, you can store your clothes stylishly even in a small space.

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Product data

Height: 200 or 222 cm
Width: 113 to 400 cm
Depth: 49 cm

Detailed description

This cabinet always fits. You can customize the design: There are glass fronts, mirrors, color and wood decors to choose from. In addition, cabinet lighting, different handles and more are possible.

This cabinet can be customized with many extras to meet your needs.

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